Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ang Tuko, Gamut kaya? (Gecko)

Chinese were pioneer in Traditional Medicine. It is up to us to believe or not.

by NATA on APRIL 26, 2010

Many people look for Gecko, it is because Gecko is believed to cure various diseases. Since there are many who are looking for, these geckos too expensive. What are the properties of gecko meat that can reliably cure the disease?

Benefits gecko meat packaged in the form of food or powder believed to cure various diseases like skin diseases, asthma and also increases stamina men. But until now no studies are definitely capable of showing the efficacy of treatment using these geckos. Gecko been reported in clinical practice (trials to living things) that showed a positive effect on malignant tumors.

A research team led by Prof. Wang from Henan University of China had reported this. The findings were published in World Journal of Gastroenterology. But there is noresearch on pharmacological studies (the study of interactions between drugs, systems and processes of life) from the gecko, that its mechanism of action as anti-tumor remains unclear.
From the results of clinical practice report that was published by Medicalnewstoday,Gecko can not only strengthen the immune system of an organism, but also can induce tumor cells opoptosis namely tumor cells that can destroy himself. In clinical practice, the team of researchers used mice that female gender. In addition gecko also believed to decrease the activity of VEGF and bFGF protein. These proteins affect the growth of cancer cells. Impact of increasing immune system is detected based on thymus gland that can produce immune cells in the neck, pagosit and spleen cells. Well known to the decrease of VEGF and bFGF protein expression, and improvement of apoptotik cells that can kill  tumor cells.
Currently the World Health Organization (WHO) is currently doing research on the efficacy of the meat and skin geckos which are believed to cure the disease of AIDS, asthma and various other skin diseases. This is to determine if these treatments are truly effective or not, and to see is there any side effects that might arise.

Gecko has been known since decades ago as a traditional medicine in China and also as one of the food menu. Along the development of information that shows the efficacy of this gecko, geckos now including one animal that has a high selling price.


Gecko gruel treatment of asthma
Adult 1 Gekko Gecko, codonopsis 30 g, 50 g glutinous rice. First with the rice wine and honey coated on the Gecko, sunburn over time. Research into powder Gecko, codonopsis pilosula, respectively, plus the amount of honey made two cakes alternate. The glutinous rice boiled rice water, mix with 1 Gecko cake, take warm clothing below. Sooner or later the clothing 1 times. Typically continued for about 1 month more. Gecko to dry, full, bug-free, and does not open your mouth, not broken as well.
Guangxi jingxi Liang Banghong
Professor of respiratory medicine beijingzhongyiyaodaxue dongzhimen hospital Su Huiping comments:
Tonifying the kidney and lung, is satisfied that the gas temperature to relieve asthma Gekko Gecko; dangshen invigorating the spleen and lung, Yiqi Shengjin; heat of spleen and stomach stuffed with glutinous rice. Composed of three common herbal, effect of treatment of asthma. It should note that this only applies to the lung, spleen and kidney loss in patients with asthma, needs to be taken on the basis of syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine. Evoked chuan rinse fever, infection, rejection, amount of silt on deficiency heat should not be taken under such circumstances. In addition, the glutinous rice of viscous difficult to digest and not eat too much at a time, or live on rice. (Editor’s Note: this party and Gecko party of proprietary Chinese medicines ointment would be similar of the wonderful, Gecko codonopsis lanceolata extract on asthmatic old chronic bronchitis and has a good effect)

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